COMPOUNDED TIRZEPATIDE (one month supply) Description
Compounded tirzepatide with vitamin B12 offers weight loss with improved efficacy compared to compounded semaglutide. Tirzepatide for weight loss, has three main mechanisms of action. It enhances the growth of beta cells in the pancreas, which are sites of insulin production. This means your body has improved control over blood sugar spikes. Compounded tirzepatide also delays gastric emptying. The delay in gastric emptying can reduce appetite. Finally, tirzepatide improves control of eating and reduces food cravings. What is the difference between tirzepatide and semaglutide? Tirzepatide has improved control over cravings or compulsion. Food can be an addiction, especially for soon-to-be former clean plate club members. We improved control over diet with compounded tirzepatide, compared to semaglutide.
Vitamin B12 500mcg/mL + Tirzepatide 7000mcg/mL
-2ml Vial (Week 1-5) 2.8mg/week $349
Vitamin B12 500mcg/mL + Tirzepatide 7000mcg/mL –
4ml Vial – 28mg $599
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